In Loving Memory of Eddie Bernice Johnson

We mourn the loss of a remarkable individual who tirelessly fought for the interests and safety of our community—U.S. Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson. Widely regarded as a trailblazer and a beacon of strength. Congresswoman Johnson left an indelible mark not only on our local community but on the entire nation.

Eddie Bernice Johnson, a dedicated nurse from Texas, devoted three decades of her life to public service, becoming the first registered nurse elected to Congress. With an unwavering commitment to the Dallas area, she brought hundreds of millions of federal dollars to our region, solidifying her as the most powerful Democrat in our community.

President Joe Biden and Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson have paid tribute to her extraordinary legacy. President Biden praised her "immense courage" and called her an "icon and mentor." Mayor Eric Johnson lauded her as the "single most effective legislator Dallas has ever had," highlighting her unparalleled advocacy for our communities. President Biden plans to attend services in Dallas on Monday. 

Eddie Bernice Johnson's achievements were groundbreaking—she became the first Black chief psychiatric nurse at Dallas' Veterans Affairs hospital and made history as the first Black woman to chair the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Her leadership extended to heading the Congressional Black Caucus, leaving an enduring impact on the landscape of American politics.

We mourn the loss of a remarkable TCA Patron Society member who tirelessly fought for the interests and safety of our communities. Her resilience, purpose, and ability to navigate the complexities of Washington for the betterment of Dallas set her apart. We need more leaders like her today.

Details of the arrangements to honor Congresswoman Johnson are as follows:

  • Lying in State: Monday, Fair Park's Hall of State, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  • Wake: Monday, Concord Church, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

  • Funeral: 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Concord Church

As we reflect on the profound impact of U.S. Rep Eddie Bernice Johnson, let us remember her with gratitude for the legacy of service and advocacy she leaves behind. May her soul rest in peace.


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