Candy’s Dirt: Turtle Creek, Lakewood Home Tours Adapt With Virtual, Street-View Options

When COVID-19 hit North Texas, it effectively put the kibosh on spring home tours, and there hasn’t been a single home tour since.

However, two organizations have forged ahead with tours, albeit with different formats.

For instance, on Saturday, Oct. 10, the Turtle Creek Association will host its 2020 Tour of Homes entirely online. The event, which was canceled in April along with a slew of other spring home tours, is the primary fundraiser for the association. The event funds the enhancement and preservation of the 87 acres of greenways and park land along the Turtle Creek Corridor, all of which have grown in popularity as people look for safe ways to get outside during the stay-at-home orders.


Tulum is Back


D Magazine: Turtle Creek Association’s Annual Tour of Homes Goes Virtual